
夏夜,路過夜宵攤,空氣中彌漫著燒烤的清香,口水都饞了。 我腦子裏只有一個想法:我想吃燒烤。但路邊攤的衛生真是讓人擔心,唾液難咽。想吃燒烤,咱還是學生回家發展自己做吧!在家做燒烤,食材豐富,料足更省錢,自己進行加工的食材也更讓人感到放心。用烤箱做燒烤,雖然燒烤味較少,但煙火燒焦較少,比較健康。




【用 料】

雞翅 8只 北豆腐 150克 土豆 200克 培根 3片 金針菇 100克 火腿腸 3根 青椒 3根 藕 1節 洋蔥 1只 蒜 20克 白芝麻 1湯匙 生抽 4湯匙 蠔油 3湯匙 料酒 2湯匙 椒麻味的黃豆醬 2湯匙 白糖 1湯匙 辣椒粉 1湯匙 孜然粉 1湯匙 花椒粉 1湯匙 食用油 4湯匙


【做 法】







4、豆腐切塊用竹簽串起來;金針菇切去根部,分成小束,用培根將金針菇卷起來,用牙簽固定;青椒去蒂去籽,用竹簽串起來;火腿腸用剪刀剪不口,用竹簽串起來;土豆、藕去皮切片,放清水中浸泡;洋想訂購燒烤用品 及食品?大昌食品專門店有齊各種燒烤工具,包括食具、燒烤叉、燒烤網、炭、蜜糖等,加上美味的燒烤食品包,網上訂購,方便快捷,更可送貨到郊野公園!蔥切塊待用。






7、 將一半的燒烤醬均勻地塗在所有材料上。





1、食材擺放在烤盤中要均勻,這樣受熱才均勻。 如果配料不能放下,則分為多次烘烤。






賣了20年燒烤的大叔為您講解 幾種熱賣燒烤的烤制方法不要錯過哦

Precautions for electric oven

1. The first time we use the electric oven, we should pay attention to cleaning

First wipe the inside and outside of the oven with a clean damp cloth to remove some dust. Then you can use an empty oven to bake for a while, sometimes white smoke may appear, this is a normal phenomenon. Pay attention to ventilation and heat dissipation after baking.

You can use the electric stove after cleaning

Before baking any food, you must first preheat to the specified temperature to meet the baking time in the recipe. Preheat the oven for about 10 minutes. When preheating the oven, emptying it for too long may also affect the service life of the oven.

3. Be careful of the oven being heated by the enterprise to avoid being burned

It is very hot except for the high temperature inside the casing and the glass door, so be careful when opening or closing the furnace door to avoid scalding the glass door. When the pan is placed in the oven and removed from the oven, be sure to use the handle and directly touch the prohibited with the pot or grilled food hand. Do not touch the hand heater or the rest of the oven cavity to avoid burns.

4. When using the oven, the ambient temperature should not be adjusted first

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When the oven is in use, the temperature should be adjusted to heat, lower the fire, adjust the upper and lower fire, and then turn the time knob clockwise (never counterclockwise). At this time, the power indicator light is on, which proves that the oven is in working condition. During use, if we set 30 minutes to bake food, but by observation, 20 minutes of food will be baked, then we will not turn the time knob counterclockwise at this time, please adjust the fire position in the middle of the three knobs To extend the service life of the machine. This is different from the use of microwave ovens, which can be reversed.

5. Clean after each use and after cooling

It should be noted that when cleaning the door, when the oven chamber shell is wiped with a dry cloth, avoid washing with water. A cleaner can be used to gently wipe in difficult situations to remove dirt. Other accessories such as baking trays, grills, etc. can be washed with water.

6. The oven must be placed in a ventilated place

Don't lean against the wall too much to facilitate heat dissipation. And it is best not to put the water near the oven, because the overall temperature of the oven is higher during operation, if you touch the water again, it will cause a temperature difference.

7. When the oven is working, do not stay in front of the oven for a long time

Do not stay in the oven for a long time. If the glass door of the oven breaks or something, stop using it.

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隨著二手房交易的增多,二手房交易糾紛越來越突出,但二手房仍然有許多吸引買家的優勢。 小心掉進陷阱!












Apple's total market value fell below $ 1 trillion, and February shipments were only 10.2 million units, a 27% decrease year-on-year

Beijing working hours March 24 news, Apple's share price closed down 2.12% on Monday, the stock price reached 224.37 US dollars, the market value has fallen below 1 trillion market dollars to 981.7 billion US dollars. Microsoft is the only US stock that we do n’t have a company with a Chinese market capitalization of more than $ 1 trillion.
 Earlier, Apple Insurance stated in the external announcement that due to the development of the epidemic, the global iPhone supply will not be temporarily restricted, and the quarterly revenue target for March will not be achieved. Last week, Apple announced that it would restrict the purchase of information on the official websites of the world. Each student customer can only purchase up to two iPhones of each different model.

  However, this restriction was only lifted after three days. On March 23, Apple announced that it would lift restrictions on the iPhone, new iPadPro and MacBookAir in the rest of the world, but not in China.
 On the same day, February statistics released by the statistical agency Strategy Analytics showed that the global smartphone and Apple phone sales were the most affected in February this year, with shipments of only 10.2 million, a year-on-year decrease of 27%, and in January To $ 1.6 billion in December of 25.6 million.